College at a Glance
Having a hoary past, the northern tropical deciduous, tribal abundant district, SURGUJA having low literacy rate physiographically a great table land consisting of numerous hills and plateaus which is southern extension of CHHOTA NAGPUR plateaus and northern stretch of SATPURA - MAIKAL ranges and hillocks drained by puranic rivers RENUKA and KANHAR.

Surguja is on of the northern districts of newly emerged state Chhattisgarh bifurcated from Madhya Pradesh. It extends from 22038' to 2406' north and 82038' to 84038' to 8405' east having an area of 16044'.2 sq kms. The span of the district is 158 kms. From east to west. The north - south width is about 162 kms.

The district is bounded on the north by SIDHI, SONBHADRA (U.P.) and PALAMU (Jharkhand) districts, on the south by KORBA and on the east by JASHPUR district. The entire western boundary is enclosed by KOREA district.

The desire for higher education was intensely felt is this tribal region, for the financial position of most of the students was deplorably low and their attention distant distracted by constant economic stress to access higher studies is other cities. To promote and safeguard the academic interests of the tribal and the legged behind and enable them to realize their potentialities , worth and rights Govt, of Madhya Pradesh planned a degree college at district headquarters, Ambikapur.

The collage was established is 1960 and was affiliated to Saugar University (now Sir H.S. Gaur University Saugar) and was initiated with art, science and commerce. Over the years since 1968 the collage has progressively evolved into a full fledged post -graduate institution of higher learning and research imparting and generating knowledge over the wide spectrum of disciplines. In 1964 the college came under the affiliation of Ravi Shankar University Raipur and achieved not only obvious educational relevance through innovative efforts but also enriched the sphere of sports and cultural activities. The college shifted to its new building in 1947 which has spacious premise and a large playground expanding in area of 41.57 acres. In the year 1983 Guru Ghasidas University Bilaspur came, into existently upgrading its teaching, learning and research activities and revamping the educational infrastructure to prepare students to face the challenges of the new millennium.

During these 43 years college has traveled through unbeaten paths setting an example to other colleges. Besides academic excellence, social concern, community development and National integration are its major objectives. The education rendered to the students by this institution is indeed the glory not only of Ambikapur but also of the entire regious of Surguja , Jashpur and Korea districts of Chhattisgarh state.

Govt. P.G. College Ambikapur was established in1960 with under graduate in Science, Arts & Commerce. Initially it was affiliated to Sager University, eager and then after to Ravishankar University Raipur. From 1983 it was affiliated to Guru Ghasidas University Bilapur.A/ow,/'f is affiliated to newly established Surguja university Ambikapur. Thisjnstitution enjoys autonomy at postgraduate level sincel994 - 95.

Conforming to the basic aims and objectives of UGC and Higher Education in India, the institution has its own aim and mission to provide access to higher education, to those students living in the remote interior tribal area, particularly belonging to ST, SC & OBC categories thereby to bring them into the mainstream of the country.

In the course of time in 1973 Law faculty with graduate course was started. At intervals, postgraduate courses were opened in Hindi, English, History, Political Science, Sociology, Economics, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Math's and is commerce. At present for research oriented students research facilities for PhD Programme is offered in all the three faculties vi3 subjects of Science, Arts and Commerce.

Total Number of Permanent Teachers in the college is 33 out of which 22 are male and 11 female. Amongst them 23 are PhD holders. To compensate vacant posts, appointment of 14 teachers as part time has been made by jan Bhagidari samiti (tuHkkxhnkjh Ifefr). Besides 15 teachers appointed by C.G. Govt, on contractual basis. Non teaching and technical staffs are 21 and 10 respectively.

The total number of students counted in the current year is 3623. out of which 3179 boys and 444 girls. Out of this number 33% are ST. 4% SC and OBC 28% .

The support in the college consist of a library with 80,000 books, sports facilities for all major common games, a gymnasium, grievance redressed cell vehicle stand, Ladies comfort room, pure drinking water facility, common computer and internet facility.

In the last five years, 03 Minor Research Projects sponsored by UGC were completed and 06 MR Pare on going -01 in physics and 04 in English and one in Geography.National Research Seminars also were organized by dept. of History, Physics and Economics.

The institution offers academic flexibility. Students have different choice in UG/ PG Programme. Students progression is monitored by post admission evaluation system based on Unit test, quarterly Tests, seminars group discussions, feedback and classroom analysis of the students. This helps teacher in detecting the slow/ poor learners as well as the advance learners.

Slow learners are facilitated with remedial measures and the advanced are encouraged for further queries. Some of the departments (i.e. Geography , Botany, Zoology) organize field trip, spot experiment and analysis also.

The Autonomous Cell manages and controls the evaluation system at P.G. level- Internal assessment comprising of tests and seminars and main exams are the components of testing pattern of the students .

Quality checks are made through a mechanism for evaluation of teaching. An attempt has been made for students, assessment of classroom teaching and feed back programme. Maintenance of teaching dairy indicating monthly departmental review committee meeting are all meant for the purpose.

There are ample opportunities for continued academic progress and professional advancement of teacher. Teachers are encouraged for attending / organizing workshops , refresher courses, seminars and conferences.

Research , Consultancy and Extension :

The institution has the pride and distention of having 95% of the Permanent faculty with Ph.D.Degree. This fact evidences research atmosphere and culture in the campus. Some of the departments (i.e. History, commerce, Economics , Geography , Hindi, Botany , Math's and Zoology)are recognized Research Centres. The remaining departments are also engaged in research activities - guiding dissertation , Project work, paper publication . In the past years, departments of History , Physics, Economics , Chemistry , Geography and very recently on 19 -20 Nov. 2004 dept of History has organized National Research Seminars.

During IX plan period 03 MRP were completed and in X plan 03 MRP are on - going.

The institution offers extension activities NCC. NSS and Red cross - to the students . These extension service address the needs of the community. They make Students a responsible citizen towards society and nation.

Infrastructure and Learning Resources:

The college has its own infrastructure facilities to keep pace with the expansion in its academic and research programme. It has 22 Classroom & 07 laboratories, an auditorium with 500 capacity , and a central library having 80000 books. The central administrative office and all the department ( History , Physics, Chemistry , Botany , Geography and commerce ) are equipped with computer facility. There is also one common central Internet facility, Easy

access is facilitated for both teachers ad Postgraduate students to these facilities.

Jan Bhagidari Samiti (tu Hkkxhnkjh Ifefr) is a non government body is the college. It generates its resources from public donation and students contribution. It is actively concerned with building construction, furniture and books and maintenance of the infrastructure.

About 22 acre of land is used as playground. A Gymnasium is available for students . Now and then , State level Meets are organized. Many students have the pride to have participated in State level Meets. The college provides every facility and encorouragement to students in this regard.

The running from last year a 100 Seater Hostel is under construction in the campus sanctioned by the state govt, (estimated cost. Rs.108.5 lakh.)

Student Support and Progression:

The college always does its best to provide necessary assistance for good student experience in the campus. It has a well - disciplined atmosphere for co-education. The campus atmosphere attracts the weaker section of the society and creates a sense of security in them. The Anti ragging and Discipline Committee keeps a vigilant watch over activities in the institution.

Support services such as library, computer internet facility, sports facilities etc all ensure the physical and intellectual health of the students.

The Prospectus of the college published every year caters to the needs of the new comers indicating admission procedures, programmes offered, fee -structure etc. One Career Guidance Cell is also working in the institution.

The state Government organizes Youth Festival (;qok mRlo )every year where students find ample opportunity for personality development. To give incentive and appreciation the institution honours the meritorious and research scholars as well as those who show some distinction in NCC, NSS, Red Cross, Games & Sports in the Annual Function.

Organization & Management:

The organization and management of the institution is made by the rules and regulating of Govt, of Chhattisgarh Higher Education Department. The Principal looks after the proper implementation of the policies and functioning of the college. He is empowered of form various committees for proper functioning

of the college. If necessary, he also acts as a " whip" to any staff irresponsible for his/her duty.

A healthy co-ordination exists between the teaching and non- teaching staff since the role and responsibility of the two are clearly defined. This helps create a congenial atmosphere for teaching learning and research. Redressed of the grievances of the staff is fair and expeditious. Budgeting and auditing procedures are regular as per norms of the government.

Healthy Practices:

The institution always keeps itself in touch with the changes taking place in education social and market fields. The introduction of New curricula in conformity with UGC model curriculum is one of the instances.

Even in this remote interior tribal area, the institution is devoted to promote an ambience of creativity. There is mechanism of the students the college had on self financing course DOEACC; since its contract is over, now it is not available for the students . Efforts are being made for other substitute course.

The institution also tries to impart value based education foundation course -contents impart such education NCC,NSS,& Red Cross inculcate civil responsibilities. Youth festival , (;qok mRlo)NSS

,NCC,Red Cross, Seminars, Group-Discussions - all help in developing students personality. The academic activities including research are canalized towards the benefit of the society. Academy of some departments is directed towards community Orientation.

It is a multi-faculty College having , Arts, Social Science, Science, Commerce and Law faculties. The College offers 04 Undergraduate (B.A., BSc.,B.Com and LL.B.) and 13 Postgraduate Programmes (M.A. in Hindi, English, History, Political Science, Economics , Sociology and Geography ; M.Com and M.Sc. Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics). Enough academic flexibility is provided by offering wide choice of subjects. It is also running a 'O' level Certificate Course in Computer Applications.

Being an affiliated College of Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur, at Under graduate level it has to follow the unified syllabi, provided by the 'Central Board of Studies Chhattisgarh' As the College has been conferred autonomy at P.G. level, syllabi of Postgraduate programmes are designed by the College itself through its own Boards of Studies. The syllabi are reviewed and updated every . The College has adopted model syllabi suggested b

Many teachers of the College are members of the University Boards of Studies and contribute to curriculum designing. In some P.G. departments, local touch has been given to the syllabi by introducing study of local life, literature, culture and environment etc.

The College has also submitted a proposal to the Govt./University for introducing M.Sc. Microbiology, B.Sc. Electronics and Diploma in Industrial Chemistry having multi- disciplinary dimensions.

Being a Govt. College, it admits students as per Govt. /University norms. Students are selected for admission on the basis of merit through a transparent admission process. The college publishes its Prospectus annually which contains all the relevant information.

Annual examinations are conducted by the University for Undergraduate classes and by the College for Postgraduate (Autonomous) classes. Periodical tests and seminars are also conducted , yet educationally disadvantaged and poor performing students are benefited by the extra classes. The College has submitted a proposal for remedial courses for weaker SC/ ST students before the UGC/ Tribal Welfare Department.

Teachers prepare their teaching plans which are implemented and reviewed by the respective Head of the Departments and the Principal.

The lecture method of teaching is supplemented by workshop, seminars and symposia, Field visits, survey and excursions are organized for the students of Botany, Geography, Geology ad Zoology. Audiovisual teaching aids are also used by some Departments.

The annual teaching days are 178, about 67% of the classes are taught by full time faculty and the reaming part- time teachers.

The regular teachers are recruited by the State Government through State Public Service Commission . However, part time teachers are appointed by the College through Expert Selection Committee and Jan Bhagidari Samiti as per Govt. /UGC norms.

The Institution facilities the effective running of the teaching learning programmes.

The Faculty members have opportunities for continued academic progress and professional advancement. They are motivated to attend academic seminars /conferences/ refreshers/ Conferences and 11 attended Refresher/ Orientation Courses.

Teachers in the departments of Geography, Physics, History, Economics and Chemistry are members of all India Associations/ Societies of their subjects.

The College promotes research culture among its Faculty. 26 teachers hold. PhD. / M. Phil. Degree . 07 Departments are recognized as Research Centers by the University. Teachers are given study leave for pursuing research. Four full time and 8 part time scholars are registered for Ph.D. Three departments have ongoing Minor Research Projects of the UGC. Teachers are also motivated to attend Research Conferences, and publish research papers. Many teachers in the departments of Physics, Chemistry , Economics, Geography, History and Hindi have published Research papers in International /National Journals and attended conferences.

The students participate In Extension activities like Community Development, Health and Hygiene awareness, adult education and literacy, AIDS awareness social works, medical/ Blood Donation Camps, Environment awareness etc. through NSS, NCC and Red Cross . Students and teachers are also encouraged to participate in such extension programmes. Red Cross unit of the College has been adjudged as the Best Unit in the State.


The college has a campus area of 41.57 acres. The college building has 22 classrooms , 07 Laboratories, Auditorium, Departmental rooms, Office, Library, Toilets, Drinking water and other facilities including playfields and Gymnasium. It has sufficient physical facilities to run the education programmes and administrative functions efficiently. The college campus is well maintained.

The College has a spacious central library with book Bank facilities. It has about. 82000 Books on different subjects and 34 Journals/ Periodicals are also subscribed. But because of rapid change in caw here maximum are not in acutance to now curricular.

Although there is no central computer facility, departments of physics, Chemistry, Botany, Commerce, History, and Economics have their /own computers. The students of the college participate in various games/ sports, literary and cultural activities at State and University levels.

Hostel facilities for SC/ST students are available. Recently the Govt, has sanctioned Rs. 108.50 lakh for construction of a Boys Hostel. Infrastructure facilities ate optimally utilized.

The College follows certain healthy practices. There is provision for internal quality check through informal interaction with the student community, anc -"s:j!ty. Teachers have established linkages at Na: e;e! by acquiring me^ce'ship of National associations of their subjects.

The :: ege has started one certificate course in see'ication under 55 * financing mode and nas applied for three new ccrses Students ,vith community /' religions background are adm;r.ez t: re ege this prc~:tes social interaction, hter - -ace meeting are also 3 Fc^-caton course 2: JG level contains mora! tear ngs of different relig c^s c" provides value oased education to the st^e-ts to the students and c'2~~z:es social and c- tural integration.

Geography Department is publishing a Departmental Journal and Zzz eg, dept is bringing cut a wall Magazine.

The activities of NCC, NSS, Social Welfare Cc~~ nee and Red Cress help the students to inculcate civic responsibilities and also help them in all round development of their personalities. Other Co-curricular activities like sports literary activities Yuva Utsav , Students Council Association also play an important role in this direction. Many Departments of the college have provided community orientation to their academic activities.